Home Search Questionnaire

The purpose of the Questionnaire is to provide me with the information necessary to assist you in finding the home that fits your "needs and wants" in the shortest period of time possible.  Feel free to print out the form after you transmit it and keep it for your future reference. Re-evaluate it later to re-affirm which items are of the most importance to "you". 

Please provide the following contact information: ( * ) REQUIRED FIELDS

First name *
Last name *
Street address
Address (cont.)
Zip/Postal code
Cell Phone
Work Phone *
Home Phone *

What style of home do you prefer? Traditional, Colonial, Contemporary, French, etc.

What would be the most important thing about your new home?

What rooms do you need vs. prefer? Gameroom, Study, Formal Living, Formal Dining, etc.

What features and amenities are most important to you? Open, Island Kitchen, Tile Floors, etc.

Number of Stories?       Select any of the following options that apply:

One story      Two story      No preference  

Desired Age of New Home?   Select any of the following options that apply:

Less than 5 Years
5 to 10 Years old
Less than 25 Years
Doesn't Matter

House price range?


Approximate Square Footage?      Select any of the following options that apply:

Less than 1500  1500-2000       2000-2500      2500-3000     
3000-4000       4000-5000       5000+           

How many Bedrooms?

How many Baths?

Would you like a pool?

Would you like a Fireplace?

Yes No

How many Garage Spaces?

What area of town do you work?

What area or Where do you want to live?

Do you have a Home to Sell before you buy?

Yes No

When would you like to move into your New Home?

-- mm/dd/yy

Is this a Company Transfer or Relocation?

Yes No

What is your Desired Monthly Payment?

Anticipated Down Payment?


Have you Already selected your new Loan Officer and been Pre-Qualified for the Price Range you checked in the previous question?

Yes No

Did you have a list of homes for which you need information.  Whether you found them on this website or somewhere else list them below and the information will be forwarded to you promptly.

Do you need information on certain areas of town?

Any Questions or Comments?


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Copyright © 1997­2007 Chris Havemann All Rights Reserved.
Last revised: February 12, 2007